Important Notice and Required Protocol: It is important that we filter all new contacts and potential clients for conflicting interests. HLO cannot represent your interests until we are confident that our representation of your entity will not conflict with the interests of our present clients. Please do not send any information to our offices without first receiving a written statement from us that we are able and willing to represent you. Please contact HLO Managing Partner Bonnie Hoskins at 859-271-3665 or by e-mail to initiate possible representation and to proceed through our tests for conflicting interests. We may not exchange information freely until your entity has passed those tests.
eMail Bonnie Hoskins
eMail Carl Brashear
eMail J. Landon Overfield
eMail Carla Brock
eMail Nicole Modica
eMail Greta Strait
eMail Megan Thacker